Help us provide Iftar meals and food parcels to fasting families throughout Ramadan.

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Feed the fasting: Prophet PBUH said: “Whoever feeds the person who is breaking his fast, he will have his reward (for his fasting) without decreasing anything from the reward of the fasting person.” At-Tirmidhi

One of the most preferred acts of charity that a Muslim can perform during the blessed month of Ramadan is to feed other Muslims who are fasting. By supplying food to those who are fasting you will not only reap the benefits of your own fast, but also receive the equivalent amount of rewards of those who break their fast with one of your meals.

Crisis Aid considers this campaign to be one of their main priorities during Ramadan. With your help, funds can be allocated to specific countries, and our local field officers can prepare and distribute food to all those who need to break their fast. The donation amount is generally the cost of providing one daily meal to a fasting person, and this is determined at the beginning of Ramadhan.

The blessed month of Ramadan is here now is the time to reap the rewards! Feed the fasting around the world for just £3 per person per day!

Save a life, provide food, bring happiness to a family this Ramadan. Let us show our gratitude to Allah for the many different blessings He has given us by helping the less fortunate.

Our team have been distributing food parcels to families in desperate need, helping them cope with the impact of conflict, and to help them to recover and resume their childhoods.

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